Saba Italia Ziggy Table_2

Saba Italia

Saba Italia Ziggy 桌子

金屬、木頭、繩索:重塑常用物品的簡單材料。 一組用金屬棒和編織航海繩製成的坐墊凳和咖啡桌,像藝術家調色板上的顏料一樣混合在一起。 提到大衛鮑伊標誌性的 Ziggy Stardust 絕非偶然,它與徹底改變該地區休閒家具類型的想法有關。 桶形和沙漏的輪廓共同構成了擴展的島嶼:交織和體積在繩索混合顏色的協調中得到增強,指向了一種新的裝飾配飾理念,具有無限的個性化空間可能性。 雙色編織繩是 Saba 獨有的組合。

Saba Italia Ziggy Table

Metal, wood, rope: simple materials which reinvent commonly used objects. A collection of poufs and coffee tables made in metal rods and woven nautical cords, mixed together like the paints on an artist’s palette. The reference to David Bowie’s iconic Ziggy Stardust is no accident and relates to the irony in the idea of revolutionising the type of accessory furniture in the area for relaxing. The barrel and hourglass silhouettes come together to make up islands which expand: interweaving and volumes are enhanced in the coordination of the mixed colours of the cord, pointing to a new idea of furnishing accessory with endless possibilities of personalising the space. The two-tone plaited rope is an exclusive Saba combination.


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Saba Italia Ziggy Table_4

    創作者 Masha 的頭像

    Masha的部落格. 歐洲家具進口 Orizzonti 床/Emmemobili 家具總代理

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